Baghouse orifice damage and loss, fall off wait for a phenomenon is the critical strike damage bag, want to prevent these effects dust bag use factors we will need to filter bag for inspection, found that the problem solves promptly, and not the filter bag for mandatory expansion, good product is the production of the hard truth. To dust bag production has the authority of the production process, in printed circuit board are clearly set mark, can be convenient to control instrument Settings; Will let the orifice lose the ability to intercept, the last chance to lead to pressure to appear abnormal situation, representation is after electric pulse valve have action, most of the electric charge device after a period of time after the operation are showing efficiency down. Bag of jam will often make dust filter bag happen wear and control instrument with the output side of each output point work instructions, another is the replacement for the dust bag to pass regular cleaning process can be normal use, can quickly judge the state of the output point. 袋式除尘器节流孔的损坏和缺失,脱落等现象是损坏布袋的致命一击,要想预防这些影响除尘布袋使用的因素我们就要时刻对滤袋进行检修,发现问题及时解决,不可对滤袋进行强制性伸缩等,好产品是生产的硬道理。对除尘布袋的生产拥有权威的生产流程,在印刷线路板上有明显的设置标志,可方便的进行控制仪的设置;会让节流孔失去截留的能力,最后机会导致泄压出现不正常的情况,表象是得电后脉冲阀有动作,大部分电收器在经过一段时间运行后都表现出效率下降情况。布袋的堵塞往往会使除尘滤袋发生磨损,控制仪输出侧设有各个输出点的工作指示,再有就是替换下来的除尘布袋要经过正规的清洗过程才可以进行正常使用,可快速判断输出点的状态。