1 、运行与管理 对 布袋除尘器:运行稳定,控制简单,没有高电压设备,安全性好,对除尘效率的干扰因素少,排放稳定。由于 除尘布袋 是布袋除尘器的核心部件,是布袋除尘器的心脏,且相对比较脆弱、易损,因此设备管理要求严格。 对静电除尘器:运行中对除尘效率的干扰因素多,排放不稳定;控制相对较为复杂,高压设备安全防护要求高。由于静电除尘器均为钢结构,不易损坏,相对于布袋除尘器,设备管理要求不很严格。
2 、停机和启动 对布袋除尘器:方便,但长期停运时需要做好滤袋的保护工作。 对静电除尘器:方便,可随时停机。
3 、检修与维护 对 布袋除尘器:可实现不停机检修,即在线维修。 对静电除尘器:检修时一定要停机。在断电的时候,除尘配件的维护工作也是必不可少的。我们首先通过观察或测量检查除尘器内部各个部件的位置及状况,记录极线断线的位置,方便统一处理。其次检查因为结构故障或过度振打所产生的极板翘曲和检查除尘器内部绝缘子,清扫其表面。另外检查极线到极板的距离,特别是极线是否对中。因极线在通道 中偏差6mm就可能引起过多的局部火花放电,并最终导致极线的损伤。此外,电极偏心影响电压的升高会降低除尘效果。最后检查电极上是否积灰。如有积灰,必 须将电场积灰清理干净 。适用机械、冶金、橡胶、面粉、化工、制药、碳素、建材、矿山等单位。
The electrostatic precipitator: maintenance must be shut down. When power off, dust accessories maintenance work is essential. We first through the position and status of observation or measurement check precipitator internal parts, recording pole line broken position, convenient unified treatment. The second examination because of internal insulator plate structure failure or excessive vibration generated by warping and check the dust remover, cleaning the surface. In addition to check the polar plate distance, especially if the polar line. Because the epipolar line in the channel of the deviation of 6mm may cause local spark discharge, and ultimately lead to the epipolar injury. In addition, the electrode voltage rises will reduce the eccentric effect of dust removing effect. Finally, check whether the electrode fouling. If there is dust, must be the field clear ash. Application of machinery, metallurgy, rubber, flour, chemical, pharmaceutical, carbon, building materials, mining and other units.
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